Before Party Time we had to go to the office but that doesn't stop them from having fun!
Well we were there we watched the movie The Secret the girls watched it with us. When we turned the movie off Liliana said "Good its over" and Jocelyn said "That's it, I want to learn more" Jocelyn our ambitious one. The movie went over having an Attitude of Gratitude and Visualizing what you want in you life. The Attitude of Gratitude talked about being grateful and giving thanks to all the things you have and they used a rock called a Gratitude Rock to be a reminder of Gratitude. It also goes over Asking for the things you want in you life and taking action, Positive thinking. It says the Universe responses to you thoughts. But, we know it is God that responses. So, when we got in the car Jocelyn said she was going to take action and she wanted to start a lemonade stand. So she can make money. Liliana the brains said how much are you going to sell the lemonade for and she said a dollar. Then Jocelyn thought harder and turned to Liliana like the light bulb just went on and said " Sister we can sell all of our candy mom wont let us eat." Liliana said " What!!!...For how much?" Jocelyn said " 2 dollars" Jonathan and I smiled at each others proud parents of entrepreneurs.
After the bright idea of the lemonade and candy stand. Jocelyn asked if we could get her a Radatitude Rock Lilana was quick to correct her Gratitude. I explained it could be any rock. She loves rocks she has been collecting rocks for about 2 years now.
Here is her rock collections. She likes to bring them out often and talk about how beautiful they are and where she got them. When we got home she ran to her room to find her Radatitude Rock. Then with a kind heart she asked her sister if she would like to pick out a Radatitude Rock.

This morning when Jocelyn woke up she said "Where is my Ability Rock!" Maybe she figured she needed the Ability to get herself going or she was grateful she had the Ability to walk. When we were getting her dressed this morning in a rush cuz Daddy said lets go for a ride. She took her rock out and said I'm visualize myself driving in a kids car and she closed her eyes. (They want one of those kids jeeps that they can ride around in) I explained to her it wasn't a "Wish Rock" but a "Gratitude Rock" to remind us to be grateful. She just smiled like she had other thoughts that were consuming her brain. Our ride turned out to be a store Dad wanted to check something out at. When we pulled up Liliana said " What, they don't sell clothes here" I couldn't help but laugh. "My thought exactly"
Jocelyn is showing Gratitude and Liliana Attitude.
I turn my back for one second! Jocelyn.... Be thankful you have a sister now put that meat tenderizer down. And Liliana I think you need something bigger then a spoon.
Attitude of Gratitude :
I'm Grateful that these little hands hold my heart and these little feet stamp my heart everyday with Love.
I'm Grateful that I have the ability to see my children smile, that I have the ability to huge & kiss them everyday!
?? the word makes me smile.
Wish :
I wish that when you read this you will too be grateful for all the small and big things in your life. Be grateful that you have the ability to read this blog right now, this very moment, this very second! And what ever radatitude means to you may it bring a smile to your face.