So, a picture worth a thousand words!!! Jocelyn drew a picture when we had our last sleepover before she went to California. And I was so moved by it, not just because she is my daughter. I felt this need to be shared.
When I looked at the drawings I didn't even need to ask what the drawing was. But I did... She said it's the earth and thats the Oil Monster and those are all the people in the world that the Oil Montser will hurt. She asked me if I know that the Oil Monter is killing a lot of Animals and that it might kill a whole spieces. Mind you this is my 6 year old. You Might not believe that this is what she said but she did.... most people don't believe me until they meet her. She often shocks us and many people with her words of wisdom. She loves to talk and talk! I wonder where she gets that from? Just so you know the other 3 girls drew hearts and girlie things.
So, what do I say to this, how can I not want to do something! The only thing that I could think of at this time is we all can do a small part to support what is taking place with the oil spill and the animals it effect. Dawn Dish soap plays a big role in saving animals effected by the oil spill. I buy dawn not only because I love it. But, they use it to wash animals and when you purchase it donations are made to support the animals. Please see this link and find out no matter how far you are away or how little you have to offer. Something so small you can make a big difference! Be the Change.... even, you can make a big differences! When I see the Oil spill on the news I know the effect it has but what I didn't realize is the effect it has on our children. Please continue to pray for the people working on cleaning up this mess and that we don't lose a whole speices. And pray for those families that are out of work right now because of this. We see the workers it effects but what we don't see is the children it effects that these parents have to come home to and explain why they are out of work and what is happening.
Another Thought!!!
Earth Day! The girls asked if they can clean the earth I told the earth is big let's start with our nieghborhood. A nieghborhood kid ask what we were doing and if he could help!.... It was funny he said this is a really good Idea.

These are Bags that were stuck in a tree.
We didn't have to go far and all of our bags were filled.
A street sign found int the stream! The girls ask Dad to fish it out.
When we take walks we make it a point to take a bag to pick up trash on the way. Please try to do the same!