I totally enjoy blogging, well I think I do but I haven't blogged in about 2 months. hummmm about the same time my girls have been gone. Hello! As if a Mom with kids a husband and a dog just has all the time in the world but I always found time maybe because it was my escape time and I love talking about my family. But no kids only a husband and a dog and no time. Or maybe I'm just enjoying my time to much that I don't want to do anything! Hehehe! I think that's it...I've been Lazy and Loving it.
Well, I have really missed my babies a lot. They have enjoyed themselves so much in California. My sister has been great about taking tons of pictures but now she needs to email them to me.
Well the kids are away the parent must play. Jt and I have truly enjoyed each other.
Here are some of the fun thing we have done.
Forth of July we went to the Ann Morison Park in Boise.
Seemed to be about 25,000 people there. We felt like we were in a movie. You know when you see people having a picinic on a beautiful summer day, families smiling, the smell of food and children running around. I was loving it. Coming from So Cal born and raised there I have been to a lot of event and gathers but nothing that felt like a community of people that loved their country and wouldn't spend their forth of July any other way.
I took this picture at 9:30 still day light they didn't start the show till 10:30 when it was completly dark. Just one more thing I love about Idaho great summer nights. It doesn't get dark till 10pm.
When it got dark and before the show started the National Anthem played and everyone stood up and sang it such a surreal feeling. Then everyone screamed and shouted and the fireworks went off.
What an Amazing Show!
The whole night was just perfect. I put my Head on my hubby's shoulder and watched the fireworks as Louis Armstrong sang America the Beautilful. Then we Rocked out to R O C K in the USA! I loved every second but wish the girls were with us. They were camping in Mammath and watched a show out there.
July 11, 2010 Celabrated our 12yr Anniversary!
Love feels the moment and the moment fills a Life Time...
July 11, 1998
I don't know how it is possible but I love him more today then ever. His kisses still give me butterflies! I read somewhere a wife that kiss her husband everyday adds years to his life. You all know women live longer right? And my family has a long shelf life so lets just say if the statement is true then he should out live me.
So...most of you know my age I'm a proud 3 0! 12 yrs of marriage you got it we were young! I graduated high school in June and a month later got married. He proposed to me on Homecoming night. The same night I was crowd Homecomming Queen. Awww...he has somewhat romantic side that every now and then comes out.
We meet at the age of 9 and no that wasn't the age we started dating. Just the first time we meet. Come age 14 a hummmm sparked and the boy meets girls, twinkle in the eyes was the start. I have known him more then half of my life. He is my best friend and partner that I love, cherrish and value because I know God created him for me and I was created for him. Every now and then when he gets alittle upset with me he tells me to give him back his rib!
A toast to a Happy Ever After!
Us 12 yrs later.
Becuase we were so young alot of people where concerned, my father in law gave us the best advice or statement. He told us if we can plan our own wedding and do it all on our own then we were ready to get married and that would be our first test of what will be a head of us. Well, we planned a wedding for 200 people still happy still married. I decided to give us and anniversary dinner but only had to plan and prepare for 10 people. Much easier!
Our dog is like another child he wanted to join the fun.
A great romantic night!
Started off with a mixed green salad with pecans cranberries, feta and a raspberry dressing
Dinner baked chicken with a mushroom gravy w/ fresh mushrooms, mashed potateos with sour cream chives
Desert choclate cake with fresh strawberries whip cream and choclate sryup.
I love to cook! And I love planning parties!
But really how can you go worng with good friends!
Well, the kids are away the parents will play!!!
We got lost at Lost Lake
(2hours from our house)
We left at 6am we were blessed to see this amazing sun rise! I called this a God picture becuase she is a master at creating a perfect picture. I prayed and thanked God for my life, marriage and the children he has blessed me with.
We arrive at the lake beautiful and of course I start to take pictures not watching where I was steping and steped right on a missing board on the deck my foot goes into water my hubby said he truns arround cuz he hears a loud thump. He said I looked like my leg was broken. And all I could think about was my phone. I flew into the water and sunk to the ground. Hahaha my phone got lost in Lost Lake. My hubbys first catch wasn't a big fish but my phone. We laid it out to dry 3 hours later it truned on. I still have alot of problems with it but it still takes pictures.
I'm smiling my phone works and I caught 3 fish and he caught 2.
He is still trying to catch up.
We went for a drive arround the whole lake. About a 1 hour ride.
Work hard Play hard!!!
It is awesome living in a state that you can drive an hour or more and end up completly out of the city.
Downtown fun!
Went to a concert in Down town and we got to try out our new car! Well, it's our car we want when the kiddos can drive. I can see it now hitting the highway! A gentlemen saw us admiring the corvettes came over and said jump in I'll take your picture. Ok you don't have to ask us twice. For as long as I've known my husband this is his dream car.
Rock on!
Boise Rock Fest
with Bret Micheals, Macey Gray and Backstreet boys.
Lots of people came out!!!
A small city that knows how to do things Big!!! By the way this was a free concert.
This is my good friend Nicole and her Mother in Law. Nicole and I are always asked if we are sisters or related? It's funny so we decieded we are now gonna say yes. I'll have to get a good pic of her and I and let you all be the judge.
Bret Micheals was totally Awesome!!!
Camping at Lake Cascade
(little less then 2 hours from our house)
We went camping for the first time ever by ourself. We always have went with family. It was exciting after 12 yrs to do something new together. I know sound corny but we were excited.
Our view from our camp spot. You can't tell but that is the water.
Our Duke found his spot right away.
He found his spot too!
I love this lake maybe becuase it remians me of the beach a little.
Jt is standing on some rocks. Last year we camped here as well and these rock weren't under water.
Last year!
This year only the top shows. This is my Jocelyn acting like she is Ariel from little merrmaid.
Someone told us to head over to Horse Thief. It was beuatiful and great fishing.
We fished all day our second day from 9am till 9:30pm. I told my husband your lucky most wife wont do that. My side of the family are big fishers I taught my hubby everything he knows.
Yes, we can eat tonight!
We have some friends in Yakima, Washington who have a cabin on Union Creek.

It was so cute and YES that is my hubby in the kitchen doing dishes. I think I'll keep him arround he comes in handy.
(fyi sorry pictures dark the only form of picture taking is my phone)
We did alot of hiking!
OMG! My legs were buning our first hike it was all up hill for about 1 hour. But it was worth it we hiked up to two waterfalls.
Waterfall number 2
On this hike we all about 3 wildberries the most shocking wild strawberries. Sorry no pics!
Did alittle fishing...
Brooke Trout!
Chinnook Pass! Breath taking I was in Awe!
Mount Rainer National Park our 2nd hike.
No we didn't hike Mount Rainer but there were tons of trails to hike.
Clear shot of Mount Rainer. Ughh I need a new camara. This picture does it no justice.
There were so many wildflowers. These were my favorite I told Jt it's like a spot of God's Gold.
Duke need a cool down! Snow!!!
Chaded a bit with 2 gentlemen from Swisserland and England.
About another hour be for we get to the lake we were hiking to.
The hike was Amazing I hadn't even got to the lake and I was overwhelmed by the sight. I began to cry and got emontional. Why? I began to pray and I became so overwhelmed by God's love and his creation. His words were speaking to me "I am really", I am here and I love you! I felt so small and God was so big. The words be still and know I am God ran through my head.
This was worth the 2 hours we hiked. As I prayed I realize that the trail was narrow at points, sometimes it was rocky, sometimes we were in the beating sun and then in cool shade with snow but moving forward brought us to this beatiful meadow and lake. It was worth it. And that's just like our life. Sometimes we walk up hill down hill but if we keep our focus and put God first he revals to us that life is worth it.
Good Friend Give You Good Times
I felt like I was Dreaming it was so beautiful
A perfect Kiss to end our trip.
( me trying to be creative like a photographer)
Goodbye Washington...I will return with my Girls I can't wait to share you with them.
So.....Well the kids were away we missed them a ton. But we managed and had a lot of fun. Dinner dates, Movies, and we didn't eat Mac and Cheese one time.
Time for my Mom life to start up again and I can't wait!
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