A Bucket of Love

Friday, May 28, 2010

Best Mom ever!

Today the girls went over to a friends house to play. I was the best mom ever cuz I said yes to them going to their friends house. When I went to pick them up I was ganged up on by 4 girls begging to have 
a sleep over I remember those days as little girl!

4 against 1

Please Please Please!!!!!!

 Very excited girls. You could almost hear them screaming through the picture! Wait you could barely see them.

Liliana said your the Best Mom Ever! Jocelyn said Rock and Roll Baby! I made one simply disclaimer. If dad overrides me and says no then I have to come back and get you. Liliana the brains said I thought you override Dad!!! Smart Girl!!! The other mom busted up laughing!

I think this means Date Night!!! Maybe a movie that doesn't have singing, princess or animation!

Mickey Mouse made a personal visit to our house!

How lucky are we!!!

And No it wasn't this Mickey! Although we took this picture at a park in Idaho. But we had an unexpected guest.  A mouse in the house. Liliana saw something wizz by and freaked out. Jonathan wasn't home I tried to be the brave Mommy cuz in my opinion Mommies can do it all. But once I saw that thing I screamed and ran. The kids and I jumped up on the sofa and waited for Daddy to come home. I was texting a friend at the time the furry friend was found and she told me to man up and catch it, to go get one of my heels. I told her no thanks, that thing isn't worthy of me sacrificing one of my heels.

My hero hubby gets home and doesn't understand what the big deal is. Hello it's a mouse he says it's smaller then me what could it possible do. I'm not willing to sacrifice one of my shoes but he is willing to sacrifice one of his golf clubs.  He ended up chasing the mouse in to four different rooms. The girls and I stood on a chair. We saw it run out and freaked out. We screamed so loud I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call 911.

I took this picture standing on another chair!!! Liliana was really upset over this. She was crying and saying she hate this house, she wants to move back to California and she never wants to sleep in her room again. Drama Drama Drama! I think Jocelyn was crying because of Liliana because once we were calmed down Jocelyn asked if when Daddy catches the mouse if she could keep it! She says they are cute and cuddly. Liliana thought she was joking but she wasn't. Of course my answer was NO WAY!!!

Liliana's note!

After Dad was tired and frustrated we went to the store at 11pm and got traps and some other stuff that would let the guest know it wasn't welcomed!!! And we had a successful catch right away. Not a smart mouse. We ended up with to kids in our bed that night. But that's Parenthood!!!
Disclaimer: Jonathan thinks I shouldn't blog about this! I say it's life! Besides the kids have already told everyone in the whole school and all the teachers, they had a mouse in the house. We have lived in this house almost over 2 years never had a problem. The house behind us has horses surprised it didn't happen sooner. But this crazy weather hasn't help 1 full week in the high 70s then dropped down to 38 degrees. The only sympathy I have is I'm sure the mouse was just looking for a warm place but, it picked the wrong house!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Candy always does the trick

Today the kids found out that 3 of their friends were moving and today was their last day on the block.  Our house is called the Kool-Aid house. We have the biggest yard on the block and for some reason every kid on the block ends up at our house everyday if I allow it. Jocelyn our social butterfly likes to leave the garage door up so the block knows we are home. One afternoon we were bar-a-quing and we heard "JOCELYN" off in the distance and Jocelyn yelled "BRISADIA". About 5 mins later about 5 kids where at our door. Our one neighbor thought we either had a lot of kids or we ran a day care. Any given day there can be about 20 kids at our house. Lots of fun!!! I look at it as I'm giving back to the commuinty by giving parents a break.  I much rather have them here then my kids at some one elses house. But now we are down 3. They came over today for one final play day. The girls were heartbroken.

They broke the news to Duke that their friends move! So I did what any good mother would do to fix a broken heart.

I gave them "Candy!"  They were happy!!! I'm sure they were thinking who else is moving and when so we can have more Candy!!!

Attitude of Gratitude or Radatitude, Ability just made it a Wish!

Before Party Time we had to go to the office but that doesn't stop them from having fun!

Well we were there we watched the movie The Secret the girls watched it with us. When we turned the movie off Liliana said "Good its over" and Jocelyn said "That's it, I want to learn more" Jocelyn our ambitious one. The movie went over having an Attitude of Gratitude and Visualizing what you want in you life. The Attitude of Gratitude talked about being grateful and giving thanks to all the things you have and they used a rock called a Gratitude Rock to be a reminder of Gratitude. It also goes over Asking  for the things you want in you life and taking action, Positive thinking. It says the Universe responses to you thoughts. But, we know it is God that responses. So, when we got in the car Jocelyn said she was going to take action and she wanted to start a lemonade stand. So she can make money. Liliana the brains said how much are you going to sell the lemonade for and she said a dollar. Then Jocelyn thought harder and turned to Liliana like the light bulb just went on and said " Sister we can sell all of our candy mom wont let us eat." Liliana said " What!!!...For how much?" Jocelyn said " 2 dollars" Jonathan and I smiled at each others proud parents of entrepreneurs.

After the bright idea of the lemonade and candy stand. Jocelyn asked if we could get her a  Radatitude Rock  Lilana was quick to correct her Gratitude. I explained it could be any rock. She loves rocks she has been collecting rocks for about 2 years now.

Here is her rock collections. She likes to bring them out often and talk about how beautiful they are and where she got them. When we got home she ran to her room to find her Radatitude Rock. Then with a kind heart she asked her sister if she would like to pick out a Radatitude Rock.

This morning when Jocelyn woke up she said "Where is my Ability Rock!" Maybe she figured she needed the Ability to get herself going or she was grateful she had the Ability to walk. When we were getting her dressed this morning in a rush cuz Daddy said lets go for a ride. She took her rock out and said I'm visualize myself driving in a kids car and she closed her eyes. (They want one of those kids jeeps that they can ride around in) I explained to her it wasn't a "Wish Rock" but a "Gratitude Rock" to remind us to be grateful. She just smiled like she had other thoughts that were consuming her brain.  Our ride turned out to be a store Dad wanted to check something out at. When we pulled up Liliana said " What, they don't sell clothes here" I couldn't help but laugh. "My thought exactly"

Jocelyn is showing Gratitude and Liliana Attitude.

I turn my back for one second! Jocelyn.... Be thankful you have a sister now put that meat tenderizer down. And Liliana I think you need something bigger then a spoon.

Attitude of Gratitude :
I'm Grateful that these little hands hold my heart and these little feet stamp my heart everyday with Love.
I'm Grateful that I have the ability to see my children smile, that I have the ability to huge & kiss them everyday!
??  the word makes me smile.
Wish :
I wish that when you read this you will too be grateful for all the small and big things in your life. Be grateful that you have the ability to read this blog right now, this very moment, this very second! And  what ever radatitude means to you may it bring a smile to your face.

Party Time!

Saturday according to the girls was the best day ever! It's so easy to make a child smile. We had a day filled with fun. We went to Mikaela's 5 birthday!
Ohhh yhea Baby....cake and Ice Cream can we please have 2nds???!!! Well it never hurts to ask but the answer is NO!
 If we all smile can we please go play!!!... Say Cheese!!!

The Girls worked all morning to make a special gift personally from themselves! It kept them busy for about 2 hours.
Liliana wrote a message all by herself with out my help!

Jocelyn saved hers for one of the last gifts. Soooo cute she had to explain what her creation was and the Birthday girl loved it!!! I still don't know what she made!

Pool Time!!! It is 38 degrees outside! But we aren't out side we are inside! Splash away!!!

Thank you for having a Birthday!!! Can we come to all your Birthdays!!!

Jocelyn tiring to tie her shoes! Where is Daddy this normally is his Job! ( Really I do tie shoes but Jonathan takes great joy in doing it, I think!)


Umm!!! So when did she grow up!!! I can't believe my baby, it goes by to fast! Please pass me a tissue I'm having a mommy moment.

Like, all great things there is a time that  it all must comes to an end..... But wait maybe we could find something else we can do. Look at Jocelyn's face. They were looking at rock climbing. Girls another time another Day. Moms always know how to burst the bubble! It's in our job description.

So we get home after a fun filled day and you would think they would be as tired as the Parents, even tho we weren't the ones swimming for hours but that would be a NO! Round two Running around the house! How do we bottle up that energy!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jocelyn's Bucket of Dreams

Dreaming... Is a seed that God plants in our heart of the vision he has for our life! It's up to us to Believe that it can and will come true.
This is a picture Jocelyn drew of a her and Liliana vacationing in Hawaii. Behind them is the boat that according to her that is how they travel around to see Hawaii. In the picture they are relaxing on the beach drinking a coconut drink. Can't wait to make this dream a reality! 
Jocelyn's Bucket of Dream of where she wants to Travel

New York
And of course California because that is where her heart is.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I think I can I think I can...I have to beat the tardy bell!

Tuesday morning I hit the alarm clock 3 times! When I was able to pull myself out of bed I noticed the time 7:45am. We are LATE! The girls have been begging to take the bus! Bus pick up 7:50am. Jocelyn starts in the afternoon so I only had to get Liliana ready. Hurry Hurry Hurry! I grabbed the first outfit that I could find that was clean and told her get dressed. I ran to the kitchen to make a PB & J sandwich for Liliana's lunch. Somewhere between grabbing the apple, carpi sun and "Mom I need Socks!" I put an ego in the toaster.  I would of just sent her with money to buy a lunch BUT we had to prepay her lunch no later then May 14 (we missed the deadline so balance 0 packed lunch for the rest of the year  2wks.) Believe it or not my kids love the school lunch. I use school lunch as an incentive for them "clean your room and you can buy lunch tomorrow." And the whole bus ridding, an other incentive. I told Liliana she could take the bus.....Well she had to in this case. Jt had an appointment at 8am so he wasn't home which means he had the car. No car, missed the bus and No hubby to help tie shoes. My only option I had is to walk her to school which isn't just across the street. I looked up at the time 8:10 I could do this. I mean, I was making great time Liliana's dressed, lunch packed breakfast made and teeth brushed. As I'm putting the kids in the the wagon my mom calls I've been multitasking for the past 25mins what's one more thing. So I figure I have 25 mins to get her to school. Pulling a wagon with about 80 pounds in it, plenty of time. But I didn't take in account the hill I would have to walk UP and because I was speed walking and talking to my mom I began to feel the burn and I was huffing and puffing. Yes!...I'm out of shape! "Mom...I got to go a treacherous hill is before me and I'm on a deadline."  I made it up the hill and I was hurting. The pain must of been written all over my face because a kind lady in a van still in her pink bathrobe was complied to asked me "Can I give you a ride somewhere" I replied back like I do this all the time "No, just taken the kids to school, Thank you" I didn't beat the tardy bell she was 15mins late. I made the walk home my cool down no rush and the wagon was 40 pounds lighter. 

This morning I woke up at the first alarm, not in a rush, sore legs and with great determination to get in shape and beat that tardy bell. I conquered the hill and She arrived on time!!!

Parenthood never a dul moment, I felt like I was on the the Biggest Loser Ranch struggling up the hill but I'm not the biggest loser but the Biggest Winner with a great husband and 2 beautiful girls, Even tho I'm not the Octa Mom or Kate plus 8 my house is busy. I feel like my life is an Amazing race and I am a Survivor, I'm a Hero to my kids when I say yes to candy and to my hubby when I whip up dinner with no food in the house and a Villain to anyone who messes with them.  My Life is my Reality Show and I've been casted in one of God's greatest masterpieces called "LIFE".

The Oscars gives Awards and God gives Rewards!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


As I was dressing my Jocelyn for school she notice I had some light hairs ok lets be really they are gray hairs! Time for color!!! I have a couple here and there No big deal... But she is so cute. I haven't been blonde or had highlight in a while. But I have pictures they have seen me with lighter hair then what I am now. When she notice them she was almost excited! She gasped for air and said "Mom your blonde hair is growing back!" I told her i wish... it's gray hair. She instead it wasn't and I needed to look in the mirror. As if it wasn't enough that she notice them but now I have to look in the mirror at them. "Denial is a great place!" I have like 3 in the same spot. Thank God for honest children they know how to bring us back to Reality!

Rise and Shine! .... Do they make Miracle Grow for kids?

Normally, Liliana likes to take her time getting up in the morning. It takes a will for her body to move. This morning she was the first one awake and was dressed by 7 am school doesn't start till 8:30am. "Why so early!" Over the weekend we found a skirt that she Feel N Love with and couldn't wait to wear it... how cute is that! I told you she loves fashion. Normally, I help with what she is going to wear but she proved to me today that she has the fashion thing under control. So, is that all we needed to do, to get her up early buy a new skirt? I remember being young and couldn't wait to wear a new outfit, so I know exactly how she felt. I still feel that way! We found the skirt at a shop called "The Other Mothers" a friend told me about it. It's Like a 2nd hand store but only kids clothes, mothers can sell their to them or trade them brilliant idea. They hand pick what to buy and sell so really nice stuff. The skirt was only $2 a steal it's like new.  

Liliana's best friend! It's cute, they both are tiny. In compares to Liliana's other friends. When we went to the school she was hanging out with friends. At first we thought she must be hanging out with the 4th graders. But no this little girl is in 2nd grader just like Liliana. We were shocked! What are her parents feeding her! Are we missing something in Liliana's diet? Maybe we should sprinkle Miracle Grow on her... Does it work on kids?!

There's nothing in my Pack Pack!

Pack Pack! aka Back Pack! That's what she call it one day she will discover she is saying it wrong. I try to look in their back packs but often forget. And I think she forgets to clear her cubby. I asked her if there was anything spectacular in her "pack pack" she said "nope nothing spectacular!"and pulled out a stack of papers. I almost just tossed them but went through them to see if anything worth saving and came across this picture her teacher sent home. Then she said ohhh I forgot about that. Good thing that didn't go in the trash. She was one of two brave girls in her class to hold a snake. She loves animals.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today was a beautiful day! Of course it is always beautiful when i'm greeted with a good morning mom by two beautiful girls, then i'm hungry!  We went to church which the girls say is in the middle of no where...but so worth the drive! On the way home our Jocelyn who always has something to say, ask or share. She was in deep thought cuz it was quite but that didn't last long. She ask out of no where "DO PIG'S MAKE MILK!?" Jonathan and I looked at each other like "what". So I ask to Drink? She said Yes? I replied No....Why? She said but then how do they feed their piglets? Ok.... Yes they do but only for their piglets! Not for humans! Where did that question come from???? She was satisfied with my answer and continue to sing what ever song was on the radio.  I know we live in Idaho but I didn't see any pigs on our way home. What did they teach in Sunday school today?
Our Jocelyn always keeps us on toes! She is so in love with life! Our Social Butterfly!!!

Dad made lunch today!!! Hamburgers yumm!!! In fact they were so good he cooked them for dinner too. I took a day off from cooking but the dishes were waiting. During our meal between bites Jocelyn shared with us what happened in Sunday school. One of the kids ate his name tag. Then another kid wanted to see if it was good so he ate his too. "Her name tag was in one piece stuck to her shirt!"

We planted our first family garden. Everything grows in our family cuz it's planted with love!

Our Liliana! The fashionista! Love's fashion and make up but don't let her looks fool you she is the first to get dirty and she is up for any sport! She is our girlie girl but often shocks us running and jumping around. Well planting the garden she noticed a spider that caught a bug in its web. She was cheering go spider go! Jocelyn came over to see what all the noise was. And said I'm out of here that's sick! And ran to her dad to tell him a spider is eating an innocent bug. Liliana yelled Jocelyn it's life we need spiders to eat bugs so they don't bug us....Right mom! Ok I know i'm mom but they are so smart!!! Yes Liliana that's right!
God created us all with great purpose!!!

I didn't have the heart to wake them up!

Time got the best of me...trying to put together my blog. I turn around and they are knocked out. Should have I woke them up? My mother might say yes! But I figured if they were really uncomfortable they would wake up...Right! I'm sure come 4:00 am they will be in my bed anyways.