A Bucket of Love

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Today was a beautiful day! Of course it is always beautiful when i'm greeted with a good morning mom by two beautiful girls, then i'm hungry!  We went to church which the girls say is in the middle of no where...but so worth the drive! On the way home our Jocelyn who always has something to say, ask or share. She was in deep thought cuz it was quite but that didn't last long. She ask out of no where "DO PIG'S MAKE MILK!?" Jonathan and I looked at each other like "what". So I ask to Drink? She said Yes? I replied No....Why? She said but then how do they feed their piglets? Ok.... Yes they do but only for their piglets! Not for humans! Where did that question come from???? She was satisfied with my answer and continue to sing what ever song was on the radio.  I know we live in Idaho but I didn't see any pigs on our way home. What did they teach in Sunday school today?
Our Jocelyn always keeps us on toes! She is so in love with life! Our Social Butterfly!!!

Dad made lunch today!!! Hamburgers yumm!!! In fact they were so good he cooked them for dinner too. I took a day off from cooking but the dishes were waiting. During our meal between bites Jocelyn shared with us what happened in Sunday school. One of the kids ate his name tag. Then another kid wanted to see if it was good so he ate his too. "Her name tag was in one piece stuck to her shirt!"

We planted our first family garden. Everything grows in our family cuz it's planted with love!

Our Liliana! The fashionista! Love's fashion and make up but don't let her looks fool you she is the first to get dirty and she is up for any sport! She is our girlie girl but often shocks us running and jumping around. Well planting the garden she noticed a spider that caught a bug in its web. She was cheering go spider go! Jocelyn came over to see what all the noise was. And said I'm out of here that's sick! And ran to her dad to tell him a spider is eating an innocent bug. Liliana yelled Jocelyn it's life we need spiders to eat bugs so they don't bug us....Right mom! Ok I know i'm mom but they are so smart!!! Yes Liliana that's right!
God created us all with great purpose!!!

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