A Bucket of Love

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A picture worth a Thousand words!!!

I haven't blogged in a while and kind of behind. YIKES! I thought I wouldn't have much to say with the kids being gone but that's not the case I have so much to blog about and feel like I don't have any time how does that happen. I have been busy trying to network to get Votes and haveing a blast with that and then I still have my biggest baby of all home my husband which we have totally been enjoying our time together. I love that we have been married for 12 years and I still enjoy my dates nights like it's our first date.  Dinner, movies, long talks and waking up at 6:30 every morning to a cup of coffee. Why are we still getting up early. I don't know but it's been great. A lot of my time has been voting for myself. I think that all 7,000 votes have came from me. Just kidding at least I hope I am and I hope I have other voter then myself. I know I do... I have a lot of family, friends  and blogging viewers and friends that support me. Thank you guys so much!!! Remember you can vote more then once!!!

So, a picture worth a thousand words!!! Jocelyn drew a picture when we had our last sleepover before she went to California. And I was so moved by it, not just because she is my daughter. I felt this need to be shared.

When I looked at the drawings I didn't even need to ask  what the drawing was. But I did... She said it's the earth and thats the Oil Monster and those are all the people in the world that the Oil Montser will hurt. She asked me if I know that the Oil Monter is killing a lot of Animals and that it might kill a whole spieces. Mind you this is my 6 year old. You Might not believe that this is what she said but she did.... most people don't believe me until they meet her. She often shocks us and many people with her words of wisdom. She loves to talk and talk! I wonder where she gets that from?  Just so you know the other 3 girls drew hearts and girlie things.

So, what do I say to this, how can I not want to do something! The only thing that I could think of at this time is we all can do a small part to support what is taking place with the oil spill and the animals it effect. Dawn Dish soap plays a big role in saving animals effected by the oil spill. I buy dawn not only because I love it. But, they use it to wash animals and when you purchase it donations are made to support the animals. Please see this link and find out no matter how far you are away or how little you have to offer. Something so small you can make a big difference! Be the Change.... even, you can make a big differences!  When I see the Oil spill on the news I know the effect it has but what I didn't realize is the effect it has on our children. Please continue to pray for the people working on cleaning up this mess and that we don't lose a whole speices. And pray for those families that are out of work right now because of this. We see the workers it effects but what we don't see is the children it effects that these parents have to come home to and explain why they are out of work and what is happening.  

Another Thought!!!
Earth Day! The girls asked if they can clean the earth I told the earth is big let's start with our nieghborhood.

A nieghborhood kid ask what we were doing and if he could help!.... It was funny he said this is a really good Idea.

These are Bags that were stuck in a tree.

We didn't have to go far and all of our bags were filled.

A street sign found int the stream! The girls ask Dad to fish it out.

When we take walks we make it a point to take a bag to pick up trash on the way. Please try to do the same!

Friday, June 18, 2010

I'm Totally Putting myself out there!!!

I entered in the Oprah contest for Your Own Show!!!  I'm so excited and this has to be one of the biggest most exciting things I have ever done outside of my comfort zone.  It was once said " 20 years from now your going to regret the things you didn't do not the things you did."  My video is simple and basic. But there is so much that I know that I have to offer having a Show.

First of all I'm a mom... I can relate in a lot of areas
I'm 30, boy does the world change when you hit 30
I love Fashion
I love to Read
I love all music
I love to be surrounded by Good people and Food
Self improving in something I work at everyday
Family is the most important thing in my life other than God
God, Family, Business (work)
I feel that parenthood and raising children in today's world can be tough so I really want to focus on family and Put Fun back into the fundamentals of Parenthood.
The show would be on us America's growing together and rebuilding who we truly are and living our life with purpose. To teach success, health, love, motivation and inspiration.
I want to challenge America to make small changes in their life that make big changes in the world.

example: A few months ago I became aware of how much unhealthy things I choose to buy for my kids...Cookies, Chips and  frozen foods, because of the cost it was cheap and the kids loved it. But what is the cost of our health. I made buying veggies and fruit and taking the time to cook a challenge for myself and my husband. So... we made health eating apart of our budget. I know I could buy one bag of chip for the price of 3 apples but what is the cost ultimately. That has become my thinking now. So when I began my shopping I always start at the produce section. And just by doing this it has made a huge difference in our eating habits. And I'm finding my kids ask for healthier snacks because the are available to them. Please don't get me wrong we still enjoy ice cream and cookies!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please Vote! Voting ends July 3rd So..... I will continue to blog about my family and about myself and the journey that I've taken the first step to!

Please click below! I need a lot of votes so please spread the word. I'm open to questions and comments!

Vote for me

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Liliana and Jocelyn had their finally sleepover with friends before heading off to California with family and FUN!  Since we moved to Idaho the girls go back for a month or two. I think if I didn't ship them back to all their Grandparents we would be taken to court by the Grandparents to exersice their Grandparent rights for visitation. (I'm joking) I know the family misses them and they miss a lot of the great things that happen in their life. So, I must lead by example and SHARE! I'm excited it's like a honeymoon for the parents but after the first week I don't know what to do with out my girls. I'll manage. But before I send them off a little going away fun with friends with some royal treatment!

I loved this game when I was a little Girl!




Side Walk Chalk FUN !

 Girls with Hops! Hop Scotch Hops!!!

 Snack Time!!!
Yes...a healthy snack but......brownies are in the oven

If I was only a fly on the pole to hear that conversation!
Think God I'm not a fly! Sick!!! Just be thankful you were born a human....imagine!

Girls only Club house!

Dinning Diva's
We couldn't come to an agreement for dinner chicken sandwiches or spaghetti. I made both! After all I wont be cooking for these little Diva's for the next 2 months. (FYI this is rare I'm not a Carl's Jr mom have it your way or made to order mom)  

Trinity said I make the best salad.... and it wasn't a normal salad.  Little did she know...All it was, was Spinach leafs and ranch dressing. But thank you Trinity!

Over all 2 thumbs up from these Dinning Divas.

More Play time....
After all it's daylight out till 10pm.
How else do I ware them out for bed time!
4 girls + Sleepover = Up All night!
Please play a lot!

Fuel to Power the Play....

Chocolate Delight
 Chocolate Brownies with marsh mallows and chocolate chips.
88 cent box of brownie mix turn in to a Chocolate Delight!
I spread the mix on a cookie sheet then 5 minutes before its done I add the marsh mallows and chocolate chips by pressing them into the brownie. Put it back in the oven 3- 5 mins. let it cool. Then put it in the frig to harden the chips.
There you go !

Creative Time

Nail Time 

I thought fun easy task! ( I look like I need some Nail time and Personal time)
  We turned on Hanna Montana the movie and with wet nails these girls wanted to dance and sing. So, we had to do nail touch up time.


I Scream...You Scream...

 We All Scream for Ice Cream!!!

Silly girls!!! 

 Not sure what these two were trying to accomplish in this picture but Too Silly Too Cute!

Drawing Time!
Jocelyn's picture turned in to a picture of a thousand words. I will feature her picture on my next blog. Lets see if you can guess what was on her mind. Leave me a comment if you know what you think her drawing is.

We had a fun day! I realized I better put them to bed when I began to fall asleep on the sofa. They were down by 1am.


Rise and Shine

Breakfast from a 4 Star Mom
Apples Oranges Strawberries and Pears
2 french toast sticks 2 egos and 2 bagels
Chocolate Milk
Believe it or not these Girls ate all the fruit that was their favorite!
Health Girls, Health Living
I try!

I enjoy every second of times like this.  
You might say I spoiled them and I will say I Loved them.

I wonder when Molly the maid is coming, after all this fun, lots of cleaning to be done!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mixed Matched.....to late!

This morning we were meeting some friends at one of our favorite coffee shops at 9am. My hubby and I woke up at 6am and had about 3 cups of coffee and enjoyed each others company. By the 3rd cup I realized....Hello aren't we going to coffee at 9am. It wasn't time wasted or coffee wasted. We are big coffee drinkers I could always go for a cup of great coffee and I could always use alone time with my hubby. Around 7:30 I did my part got the kids and myself ready like most mothers do. Jt aka Dad normal handles the shoe department with the kids. ( I don't know how or why but it works for us he does the shoes) and we where out the door by 8:45. 

When we got to our spot the Flying M coffee shop which is like 5 mins from our house.  As we were walking in I notice something wasn't right with Jocelyn's socks!

I looked at Dad and he said I didn't put them on her she said she could do it on her own! This is what happens when you allow a 6 year old to do it on their own.  Well, they will have to work. She thought it looked good. Could of been a lot worst...I guess!

The child with mixed match sock is mine and proud of it!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010